The Anjuman Hayat-ul-Islam (Pakistan) Karachi is dedicated to creating a Pakistan devoid of destitute and insolvency. And through your generous contributions we can make that possible in the near future. The Anjuman Hayat-ul-Islam (Pakistan) Karachi welcomes any kind of support from $1 to your heart content. We hope to see you a part of our mission towards a brighter, peaceful and erudite nation.
For the, Housing and Administrator, Educational , Training and Grooming Expenses, Medical Assistance Expenses, Exercise and Recreation Expenses, Kitchen Expenses, Procurement of Furniture, purchase of Land for Medical Complex and Ambulances, etc.
Please mail / courier your cheque / pay order to:
(For National)
(For Zakat)
Title Name : Anjuman hayat ul islam
A/C No : 0256-010-0195-4
UBL Binnori Town Branch,
Karachi, Pakistan.
(For Donation)
Title Name : Anjuman hayat ul islam
A/C No : 0100-75393
UBL Binnori Town Branch,
Karachi, Pakistan.
(For International)
Title Name : Anjuman hayat ul islam
International Bank Account Number IBAN : PK56UNIL0112025601001954 (For Zakat)
International Bank Account Number IBAN : PK15UNIL0112025610075393 (For Donation)