
The Anjuman Hayat-ul-Islam (Pakistan) Karachi is dedicated to creating a Pakistan devoid of destitute and insolvency. And through your generous contributions we can make that possible in the near future. The Anjuman Hayat-ul-Islam (Pakistan) Karachi welcomes any kind of support from $1 to your heart content. We hope to see you a part of our mission towards a brighter, peaceful and erudite nation.

For the, Housing and Administrator, Educational , Training and Grooming Expenses, Medical Assistance Expenses, Exercise and Recreation Expenses, Kitchen Expenses, Procurement of Furniture, purchase of Land for Medical Complex and Ambulances, etc.


Please mail / courier your cheque / pay order to:

(For National)

(For Zakat)

Title Name : Anjuman hayat ul islam
A/C No : 0256-010-0195-4
UBL Binnori Town Branch,
Karachi, Pakistan.

(For Donation)

Title Name : Anjuman hayat ul islam
A/C No : 0100-75393
UBL Binnori Town Branch,
Karachi, Pakistan.

(For International)

Title Name : Anjuman hayat ul islam
International Bank Account Number IBAN : PK56UNIL0112025601001954 (For Zakat)
International Bank Account Number IBAN : PK15UNIL0112025610075393 (For Donation)


One of the oldest organisation for orphans in Pakistan. Here in Anjuman Hayat-ul-Islam (Pakistan) we are striving to provide better environment and facility for our orphans.

Food & Shelter 

Anjuman Hayat-ul-Islam (Pakistan) is providing food and shelter for hundreds of underprevilage and needy people on regular basis.


Anjuman Hayat-ul-Islam (Pakistan) is providing need based scholarships for the to provide better opportunities to the talent of Pakistan and contributing our part to make better Pakistan.

Financial Support 

Disables, widows and other deserving people are providing financial assistance on monthly basis to cater their need on time and to decrease their problems.